Spalet BIDet toilets & Toilet Seats

Oh Hey, Bidet

Save with SpaLet
A SpaLet Bidet Seat with Dryer can save the average household almost 250 rolls of toilet paper a year...saving over 9,000 gallons of water & one tree in the process
What is a bidet toilet seat?
It’s simple:
Water cleans more thoroughly than paper. You already believe this when it comes to showering, bathing, even washing your hands. Why not with the rest of what you do in the bathroom?
With a SpaLet® Bidet Toilet Seat, you can enjoy enhanced hygiene and personal comfort right in your own home. This refreshing technology is easy to install, easy to use and available in three affordable models to meet and exceed your cleanliness expectations.

Healthcare & Hygiene
- Water cleans while paper actually spreads germs
- Wiping creates irritation
- Bidets can help bring comfort and relief to those suffering from health issues such as hemorrhoids, UTIs, IBD, and more
- Bidets give freedom to those with physical limitations who require help to wipe

Cost Savings
- Average cost of bathroom tissue in Canada is approx 3 dollars per four rolls.
- Approx $1.8 million spent on toilet paper across Canada per year.
- Bidets can reduce toilet paper usage (by 75% or more),
- The average person uses approximately 57 sheets of toilet paper per day

The Environment
- We flush 27,000 trees per day
- Each roll of TP uses approx. 140 litres of water to manufacture.
- Rolls also have to be bleached (chemicals dumped into local water basin), packaged (often with single use plastic) and transported (use of energy).
- Bidets reduce toilet paper usage, reduce strain on the toilet, septic system and the overall sewage system.

- We spend an average of 3hrs/9mins on a toilet per week or 27 mins per day.
- You should be comfortable!.
- Why not avoid irritation from wiping? The average person uses approximately 57 sheets of toilet paper per day.
- Bidet toilets include warm water cleaning spray and heated seats

SpaLet Seats offer a range of advanced personal cleansing systems with customizable features to fit your personal needs. American Standard has paid attention to every detail so you can relax and enjoy a new feeling of clean.
In other bidets, a single nozzle delivers all cleansing options. This limits your options when it comes to proper positioning and achieving that complete feeling of cleanliness.

Personalize Your Cleansing Experience with Five Indulgent Spray Options
We created a comfortable washing experience that's more hygienic too. The most thorough wash can be achieved via a vertical spray instead of the typical shallow angle. However, a vertical angle can also increase the chance of dirty water splashing back onto the nozzle. To solve this problem, we benefit from five decades of experience in this category. Its extensive studies on nozzle design have determined the ultimate angle for achieving the best wash while keeping the nozzle hygienic.

Learn More About Spalets