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Times Square Collection

Clean and contemporary designs for cosmopolitan homes

Make a statement with bold, modern style. The Times Square collection of bathroom faucets, shower faucets, and tub faucets brings elegant spa performance into the bathroom.
Times Square Shower Faucet

Clean and contemporary designs for cosmopolitan homes

Make a statement with bold, modern style. The Times Square collection of bathroom faucets, shower faucets, and tub faucets brings elegant spa performance into the bathroom.

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Our new Times Square Collection builds upon simple geometric shapes to create sleek, sophisticated bathroom faucets, shower systems and tub faucets that will transform the look and feel of your bathroom instantly. If you're ready to take minimalism to the maximum, take a closer look.
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Explore More Bathroom Collections from American Standard



Clean Contemporary Design.

Townsend Tub and Shower

Architecturally inspired.


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